Supplier Relationship Management

                          Supplier Relationship Management
"Experts found a strong relationship from the largest arcs of supplier and customer integration to market share and profitability. Taking advantage of supplier capabilities and emphasizing a long-term supply-chain perspective in customer relationships can both be correlated with a firm's performance. As logistics competency becomes a critical factor in creating and maintaining competitive advantage, measuring logistics performance becomes increasingly important, because the difference between profitable and unprofitable operations becomes narrower".
Supplier Relationship Management process providing the structure for how relationships with suppliers will be developed and maintained. It implementing technologies, processes, policies, and procedures to support the purchasing process. 

What will your company benefit from Supplier Relationship Management? 
  • Control cost and maximize profits
  • Contractual obligations alignment
  • Understanding risk assessment  meeting Industry standard requirement and continuity stable supply
  • Setting supplier management KPIs, monitoring performance and reporting on delivery

Supplier Performance KPIs

  • Quality
  • Delivery
  • Innovation
  • Risk
  • Cost
  • Customer satisfaction

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